Luke Wroblewski

    •   Luke Wroblewski

      Luke was co-founder and Chief Product Officer (CPO) of Bagcheck, which was acquired by Twitter Inc. just nine months after being launched publicly. Prior to this, Luke was an Entrepreneur-in-residence (EIR) at Benchmark Capital and the Chief Design Architect (VP) at Yahoo! Inc. where he worked on product alignment and forward-thinking integrated customer experiences on the web, mobile, TV, and beyond.

      Luke is the author of three popular web design books (Mobile FirstWeb Form Design and Site-Seeing: A Visual Approach to Web Usability), in addition to many articles about digital product design and strategy. He is also a consistently top-rated speaker at conferences and companies around the world, and co-founder and former Board member of the Interaction Design Association (IxDA).

      Previously, Luke was the Lead User Interface Designer of eBay Inc.’s platform team, where he led the strategic design of new consumer products (such as eBay Express and Kijiji) and internal tools and processes. He also founded LukeW Ideation & Design, a product strategy and design consultancy; taught graduate interface design courses at the University of Illinois; and worked as a Senior Interface Designer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), the birthplace of the first popular graphical web browser, NCSA Mosaic.



      About Luke’s sessions


      Multi-Device Web Design

      Afternoon workshop: 13h30 – 17h00 on 24 October

      Gone are the days when the web was contained in our desktop and laptop computers. Today it flows through a sea of unique devices each with their own opportunities and limitations. Leading this shift are mobile computers, whose numbers are growing at an astonishing pace and which are becoming many people’s first (and sometimes only) way of getting online. Designing for this reality requires new ways of thinking and getting things done.

      In this half-day session, Luke Wroblewski (author of Mobile First) will walk you through detailed explanations, examples, and design best practices that will shift your thinking about website organisation, layout, input, and more.

      You’ll learn how to:

      - Organise your websites and applications to deliver immediate value on mobile devices and beyond
      - Optimise navigation systems and menus for mobile devices and adapt them to a variety of screens
      - Understand the difference and decide between unique solutions for multi-device web design
      … and much more!


      Content in a Write/Read Web

      Keynote talk

      On the surface, content is king. But digging deeper into what’s working on the web reveals that things aren’t so simple. Content fits into a complex ecosystem of communication, contribution, and behaviours. In his keynote, Luke Wroblewski, author of Mobile First, will lift the covers on the underbelly of the web and outline how it can really impact any organisation’s digital content strategy.

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